🔒 Permissions
Only system admins can download an export of the platform.
For maximum safety, your exports are available directly from your platform. We don't send you data via email or host them on another service, even temporarily.
Step 1: Get your data exported
The first step if you haven't done it yet, is to contact our support to export your data. More information about the format in this article.
Step 2: Download the data
All your exports are available from the admin panel under the section "Advanced". (Note: you can reach the admin panel by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner of the app and then click on "Settings").
This page will show a list of exports available.
Each row show you the date of the export, a description, a link to download the files and a password. The password will be used in the step 3 to decrypt the files.
Click the link to download the whole export.
Step 3: Decrypt the data
Once the export downloaded you'll have file named <randombits>.zip
To be read, the file must first be decrypted.
You need to use a tool that is able to read ZIP that are password protected.
If your system's default isn't good enough, we recommand using 7zip (command line only on Mac) or unarchiver on OSX
After that you'll get a regular ZIP file you can extract with file, and metadata.