The success of a platform depends in particular on its dynamism, identify content to post at a regular rate:
Post documents that are on your computer or on a shared drive but in a messy, unsightly way or that do not provide any feedback or reaction from readers.
Identify a few colleagues with retained knowledge and information that could be made public (personal watch, hard disk with documents on a subject, analytical skills or expertise on key topics, etc.).
Think about the content that everyone needs but is difficult to access, make it more accessible.
Keep in mind, that the contents in the platform must be:
Original, a little out of step and innovative compared to what we are used to find in content databases or on the intranet
A high added value for each of your target audiences, ask yourself, if I take 5 different people who have to come to this platform, what's in for me?
Familiar but the way they are presented offers added value or is more easily accessible than before (_for example: official presentation templates, company glossary, logos to be inserted in presentations, etc.)
Nowhere else to be found. For example, an expert who will have a space to share all his specialized intelligence that he did not share, the CEO who communicates through a direct channel with his employees (CEO Blog space)_