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The vision

Define your vision, objectives and performance indicators

Updated over a week ago

What to do at this stage?

  • Define your project vision

  • Define some concrete objectives that you want to achieve

  • Define the indicators to be monitored to assess success

When a new tool is integrated into the galaxy of existing solutions, it is important to question its positioning. It is interesting to map the tools made available (mind-mapping tools can help) and their scope of use from the user's point of view. This understanding of the solutions galaxy will facilitate the introduction and understanding of the positioning of the new tool so that it is as close as possible to the daily concerns of users. Once this positioning is clear, it will be necessary to look at the definition of what you really want to achieve with Elium.

What is a vision?

The definition of the vision makes it possible to give meaning to a transformation project. This is an essential step to enable teams to understand the purpose and take ownership of the transformation. A good vision

  • it affects/impacts the actors in the field

  • it is positive, it does not lead to antagonisms or disagreements

  • it is specific and linked to your context

  • it is ambitious, the achievement must mean an extraordinary achievement, it inspires action and questioning

  • it is short and can be summarized in a few sentences

How to define your vision?

In order to define a vision, you should be able to answer these few questions (if not, a brainstorming session that brings together the different stakeholders can be useful): What do you want to improve / solve? What needs to change in the current ways of doing things? What are the problems you are currently experiencing? What would be the ideal situation in the future? Where do you dream of going?

Try not to cling to concepts or ideas limited to tools and adopt as much as possible a posture of what would be desirable for your organization. \Some examples of vision:

  • "Transform the way our support staff collaborate on projects, share information with each other and with management to improve efficiency and clarity."

  • "Increase sales team productivity by facilitating cross-site team collaboration across functional areas"

  • "Improve access to reference procedures and the ability to share best practices in order to learn from each other"

  • "Boost innovation that gives us the agility to meet the needs of our evolving business"_

How to translate your vision into objectives?

The short and inspiring vision statement can be broken down into various objectives. The objectives make the vision even more concrete and give clear guidelines on how we will, together, implement this vision.

In order to make them a valuable indicator of progress and success, be sure to define SMART objectives (an acronym based on Peter F. Drucker's concept of management by objectives), i.e. objectives: S = Specific, they are clear and lead to the desired vision M = Measurable, they are expressed quantitatively A = Acceptable, ambitious but reasonable R = Realistic, they are possible to implement T = Temporal, they can be measured over a given period of time This small mnemonic means allows you to validate or not your objectives. For example, "capitalizing on our good practices" is not a SMART objective because it is not quantified, it is generic and has no time constraints. On the other hand, "capitalizing on at least 20 validated good practices in the platform by December 31, 2016", is a specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic objective with a specific target date. The key indicator that will measure the achievement of the objective is clear, this is the number of good practices posted on the platform. Some examples of concrete objectives:

  • Remove all licenses from old content databases in favor of a single centralized location for information

  • Reduce by 20% the number of phone calls received by support teams for recurring questions

  • Reduce by 10% the number of emails exchanged between colleagues within 6 months

  • Reduce by half the time spent producing the weekly newsletter

  • Capitalize on 20 validated best practices by the end of the year

  • Increase views on the contents of the reference resource space by 25% compared to the old tool

To monitor the progress of a project effectively and appropriately, it is important to define in advance the few key performance indicators that will be measured throughout the project. These indicators must be simple and easy to interpret for each

What is a KPI?

To monitor progress against the defined objectives, it is important to define the few key performance indicators that will be measured throughout the project. These indicators must be simple and easy to interpret for everyone. The term KPI's or key performance indicator contains three words that are each of interest:

  • Indicator because it must be an easy and quick way to represent performance

  • Key because it is a major contribution to the success or failure of the project. The indicator is key only if it can actually make the project work or fail

  • Performance: it is a metric that must be measurable, quantifiable and controllable to improve performance

It is quite easy to list a series of key performance indicators, but the most difficult task is to choose those that will really be relevant in the context of the project and that will validate that you are achieving your objectives, as defined above. The best technique to define your KPI's is to take the list of objectives of the initiative and associate one or two KPI's next to each objective in order to measure whether or not the objective has been achieved.

Some examples of KPI's:



Bring all employees together in 1 month on a single exchange platform

% of profiles created 30 days after the launch/invitation

% of users logged in at least once in the week after launch

% of users logged in at least once in the week after launch

Ensure more fluid top-down communication

Number of publications/week of the internal communication team

Increase employee engagement on key topics

% of users who post content at least once a week

Requests to create new communities

Increase the visibility of top management actions

Number of contributions by top management during the first month of launch

Increase the impact of internal procedures

Increase the number of views on content

Interact with the least connected

% of the least connected people (sorting on a site/function) on the platform in one year

Save time for employees

Time spent searching for reference documents (actual measurement)

Increase the sense of belonging to the company

Sense of belonging measured through qualitative before/after surveys

Increase innovation in the group

Number of creativity meetings organized following interactions on the platform

These are just a few examples, it is up to you to determine the KPI's that best fit your objectives and especially your professional context!

Now you know what you want to achieve, by what means and how to measure it. This can be found in a small support shared with your management or in the Elium platform to be transparent with users.

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