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Smart Feeds

Customize your platform's homepage with dynamic content lists.

Updated over 2 years ago

🔒 Permissions

Only platform administrators can manage smart feeds.


The goal of smart feeds is to make the homepage more personal and relevant to end users.

In the example above, the home page is configured to display the spaces, a welcome box and two smart feeds: one for After Action Reviews and a second to display best practices.


Smart feeds take place just below the welcome box on the home page. Conceptually, smart feeds are quite similar to smart tabs. They allow to display a list of dynamic content according to a set of filters.

The additional advantage of smart feeds is that they can be displayed according to the users' team. This allows you to display completely different lists of content depending on the team.

Finally, the big difference with smart tabs is that a smart feed can aggregate content from multiple spaces at once.

Use Cases

Here are some use cases to inspire you.

  • Display the latest best practices published by your users from several different spaces to break the silos

  • Display the latest updates to your products on a team-by-team basis

  • Show tutorials from the platform

  • Show the latest incidents, but only for the IT team

  • Etc, there is no limit :)

Create an smart feed

The builder

The management of smart feeds is done via the smart feed builder. This builder is available either from the smart feeds location in the homepage or by modifying an existing smart feed.

The builder is divided into three parts.

  1. On the left, the list of existing smart feeds

  2. In the center, the configuration and filters applied to the feed being modified

  3. On the right, a preview of the feed being modified

Provide a title

To create your first smart feed, click on the button at the bottom left of the builder "New smart feed". The configuration and filters will appear in the middle section. Give your smart feed a title. The title can be translated into all languages enabled on your platform.

Set the visibility

A smart feed can be displayed to all your users or only to certain teams.

If you want to select specific teams, choose the second option, otherwise the first. In the case of displaying certain teams, you will be able to choose one or more teams to which the block of the smart feed is displayed.

Set up filters

The last and most important step is the configuration of the filters. These filters will allow you to select the content that will be displayed in the smart feed.

The first three filters will allow you to select the contents published in a certain space, having certain tags or being part of a model.

Note: the tags filter works like the smart tabs. When multiple tags from the same category is selected, it's a "OR". When tags are from different categories, it's a "AND". See this article for more details.

Then there are two additional settings that allow you to selecthow many content you want to display and the order in which the content will appear in the smart feed.

⚠️ Preview and rights

Of course, take advantage of the feed preview on the right to configure it correctly.

Be careful though, smart feeds take user rights into consideration.

For example, if you decide to display all the contents coming from a secret space, only the members of this space will see the contents.

Use teams as a member of the smart space and feed if you want to be sure that users will see the content.

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