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Configure the app launcher

Add shortcut to other applications from Elium.

Updated over a week ago

🔒 Permissions

Only system administrators have access to the administering of the app launcher. If you don't see the tab as a system administrator, please contact the support team to activate it on your platform

That's a matter of fact: all your collaborators have plenty of technologies they use on an everyday basis. To ease access to those environments, you can configure an app launcher.

This launcher will help you to create shortcuts to your most used web apps. If you're interested in it, contact us and we will activate it on your platform.

Once activated, it is very easy to configure, right from the administration panel.

  1. On the "App launchers" tab, click on "Create an app launcher".

  2. Name the app launcher.

  3. Mention the URL to the application of your choice.

  4. Choose an icon for the application (We recommend 50px on 50px icons).

  5. Specify whether the application is available to all users.

  6. Or select one or more teams for which the application is to be proposed.

  7. Save.

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