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Updated over a week ago

🔒 Permissions

All users can use machine translation. Only corporate or enterprise level platforms can access the feature.

Machine translation is available in two modes:

  1. For on-the-fly translation

  2. As an assistance for contributors

On-the-fly translation

Each user can define a preferred content language. This setting defines the order in which a language is chosen when a user accesses content.

If the content is available in the language chosen by the user, then the content is directly displayed in that language. Otherwise, the default language of the platform is displayed.

With on-the-fly machine translation, when content is not available in the user's preferred language, a banner appears to suggest a translation.

Example: A user has defined French as her preferred language. The default language of the platform is English. The user accesses a content, but it is only available in English and Spanish. The platform will display the content in English (default language of the platform) but will offer to translate it into French (preferred language of the user).

Example of a banner offering the user to translate the content into French

Assistance to contributors

The second mode is contributor assistance. The contributors have the possibility to translate any content starting from a machine translation.

How content are translated?

At Elium we always give a priority as much as possible to European companies to take care of your data when we need to use a third-party.

For this specific feature, we're using Deepl to translate your content. Deepl is a third-party service hosted in Germany, Europe.

If you don't want your content to be shared with this third-party, the feature can de disabled in the administration settings, under security.

What languages are supported?

The list of supported languages is available here

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