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Platform level
Updated over 3 years ago


With Analytics, everybody from the platform administrator to the individual contributor can understand the impact of their contributions. We believe nothing should be left into the dark. Creating a new content, updating something that was outdated, inviting a team to read a content, creating a new space; all those actions have an impact. Measuring those impacts is key to the success of any platform.


There are four levels of analytics available, depending on your role on the platform:

  • Platform analytics allow admins to measure the performance of the platform.

  • Space analytics offer space coordinators and up the ability to see how theirs spaces perform.

  • Contributor analytics allow contributors to measure their own impact.

  • Content analytics allow all users to see the reach of each content.

Analytics model

This article covers the platform level.

The platform level is the most complete one. It is accessible from the administration panel. From there, we have a global overview of how your platform performs on various aspects. Let's look in details of each dashboard.

Users Dashboard

Users Dashboard

The purpose of this page is to get a quick overview of the platform usage level. The user dashboard contains four blocks.

Users Dashboard

The first block is the high level metrics. In order, we have:

  • the total number of users registered on your platform (active or not),

  • the number of pending users who have not yet activated their account

  • and the number of active users over the selected period (here 30 days in the screenshot)

Users Dashboard

The second block shows the trend of active users over the selected period.

The chart automatically adapts according to the selected period. It shows the daily active users over 7 days and 30 days, the weekly active users over 6 months and the monthly active users over 12 months.

An active user is a user who has loaded either the web or mobile application at least once either during the day, the week or the month, depending on the selected period.

Users Dashboard

The third block displays the most active users and the inactive users.

The most active users are ranked based on the number of activities they've done over the selected period. Activities correspond to the number of publications, likes, comments and views they've made.

Inactive users are people who have not connected to neither the web application nor the mobile application over the selected period. Users are ranked by their last activity on the platform. This way, you can quickly spot people who has recently churned and reactivate them. There is more chance to reactive people who left recently than people who have abandoned the platform a while ago.

Users Dashboard

Finally we have the block comparing the usage of the web and mobile application. This chart displays the number of active users on the web application and the mobile application separately.

๐Ÿ“ Notes

If a user uses both the web and mobile applications the same day, they will be counted twice in the chart.

Emails Dashboard

Email Dashboard

The email dashboard is focused on the digest. The first block shows the number of email delivered and opened over the selected period.

๐Ÿ“ Notes

You might have more emails opened than delivered if the platform just sent a digest right before the period you've selected.

Below this block, you have a chart of the trend of the same metrics: delivered and opened emails.

๐Ÿ“ Notes

You might have more opened emails than delivered because in the chart, we count all the open actions. If a user opens a digest multiple times, he/she will be counted as such.

Content Dashboard

Content Dashboard

The content dashboard is divided in three blocks. Like every dashboard in the admin panel, the first block displays the high level metrics. We have five of them at the moment.

Content Dashboard

Those highlight metrics are computed over the selected period, 30 days by default.

  • Views: Total number of views over the selected period. Views on draft are ignored.

  • Publications: The sum of the number of new content and the number of updates.

  • Social interactions: The sum of the numbers of likes and comments.

  • Verified content: The number of verified contents with a split between up-to-date contents and expired contents. From there, you also have a quick access to expired contents to quickly take action.

  • Drafts: Number of contents who have never been published, excluding private drafts.

The second block covers the content activities while the third one highlights the most popular contents.

Content Dashboard

Content Activities displays the evolution of the activities over the selected period

Content Dashboard

Trending Content See the most popular contents at a glance

The most popular contents are ranked by number of views. The higher the content on the list, the higher the number of total views.

Search Dashboard

Search Dashboard

๐Ÿ“ Notes

The search dashboard only takes into account advanced search, not the quick search. The advanced search is triggered when a user hits ENTER while typing in the search bar. We'll work on this limitation in the future to also include the quick searches.

The search dashboard displays three metrics:

  • The top 10 searches: The 10 most popular searches triggered from the advanced search

  • The number of searches: The number of advanced searches triggered

  • The number of people: The number of users who have triggered an advanced search

Spaces Dashboard

The Spaces dashboard gives you an overview of the activity of the different spaces. It consists of two blocks.

Space Dashboard

This first block shows a summary of all the activities combined together over the selected period while the second block dives in more details into each space and displays the evolution of the activity of the space over time.

Space Dashboard

๐Ÿ’ก Idea

Use panels to jump from one level to another. Panels correspond to the little graph icon as shown in the video below.

Panels are a simple way to get into the details and jump from one layer to another.

In this example from platform to content analytics.

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