🔒 Permissions
Only the coordinators and administrators of the space where the content is located can broadcast the Story by email to the whole space or to teams.
Any Story can be the subject of dissemination by email. The content of the Story is transcribed in an email sent to selected addressees.
There are several sending possibilities:
to one or more identified users (preceding condition: they have to have access to the Story)
to all members of the space
to all members of a team
Broadcasting the Story by emails
Use the Share
Click on 'Broadcast by e-mail'.
Introduce the addressed user(s), space(s) or team(s) of the message.
Optionally send a message with the email.
Preview the email and send it.
Receiving a broadcast by email
The recipients of the email can either read the content in the email or click on the 'Open' on the platform to be redirected.